Monthly Archives: June 2016


dodgem logoThis barely updated blog seems to be the preserve of mindless reminsces these days – this time it’s an old BBC children’s TV programme that oddly stayed in my head and periodically resurfaces.  I’m not sure what it is that one day makes you start searching for these things on Google but that’s what happened this last week.

My recollection was of a series where a lad runs away with a travelling fair – his dad was an artist, and his mum had recently died, and the scene that always stuck in my head was the lad drawing a picture of his mum for his dad – to prove he could remember her – only for it to look more like the girl who’d helped him run away (in truth, the picture didn’t look like either of them!).

dodgem roseSo armed with a few key words around children’s TV, running away to a fairground unearthed this thread – someone looking for the said same show, and finding the answer – it was called Dodgem, and aired on Children’s BBC on Wednesday evenings at 5:10 in 1991 apparently!  There’s more information about on this page too with a summary of the plot too.

Better still, all the episodes were uploaded on to YouTube – although I’m not sure I’d recommend sitting and watching them over the course of a couple of evenings like I did last week.  Sometimes things might be better left in the halcyon words of reminiscing rather than being revisited as an adult (reminds me of when I rewatched the Mysterious Cities of Gold! – I never learn!)

Should you have a similar urge, then you can watch them here:

Funny how your brain works isn’t it?

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